
10 Useful Creative Brochure Design Tips

Team Pepper
Posted on 22/08/226 min read
10 Useful Creative Brochure Design Tips

A brochure is a document businesses use to detail their offerings. It can be an online brochure or a physical document handed out to potential customers. In either form, a powerful brochure design should be able to talk about the products and services of your business succinctly.

Even in the digital age, a brochure is an important marketing tool that allows you to make a case for your service offerings. A well-designed brochure can prove to be extremely conducive when it comes to converting sales needs.

This blog focuses on creative tips for a successful brochure design.

Brochure design tips


10 Tips for A Creative Brochure Design

Before you begin the actual process of brochure design, it is important to take care of the following important factors:

Define your brand.

Know your customers.

Set a budget for marketing.

Define your success parameters.

Develop the branding message.


Once the above are taken care of, you can get straight to the design services part.

Here are ten great tips for creating a powerful brochure design.

1. Define the objective


For an online brochure design to do its job well, you must be very clear about the objective behind the design. Are you designing the brochure for an event? Or is it to raise funds for a cause? Or is it just to talk about your product details?

Whatever the reason, the brochure design should reflect the objective and be able to tell the story as strongly as possible. This is an important step as the rest of the design flows from this. The objective will determine your storyboard, the colors, the themes, images, and content.

2. Keep it simple



Appealing brochure designs do not necessarily have to be overpowering. Look at this simple design of a brochure from a pet creche. It is full of relevant images, along with the creche logo, and just about the right amount of information to go with it.


It does not reflect loud colors or complex designs. It uses just a simple message board with the perfect pictures that are sure to appeal to the customers.

3. Choose the right fonts.



A creative brochure design also relies significantly on the right font sizes, styles, and colors. But how do you choose the right fonts? Keep it simple, and go the minimalist way. Avoid going overboard with loud or big fonts that are too “in your face” for the readers. A minimalistic brochure design is complemented by the right-sized fonts, with colors that match the overall brochure theme.

4. Use inserts creatively



A lot of brochures insert samples of the actual product in their brochures. This is not possible, of course, in an online brochure design. But if you are planning to hand out physical brochures with inserts, like the ones in the picture, use them creatively.


This brochure has beautifully placed their main product inside the brochure. And since it is placed strategically against the description, it is a subtle invitation to the reader to take it out, feel it, and even use it. This is a great way to turn the brochure design into an actionable.

5. Make your online brochure design interactive.


Did you know you can turn your online brochure design into a microsite? A microsite is like a miniature version of a website but can be very effective as a marketing tactic. With online brochures, you can quickly bring in multimedia and make them more interactive for the viewers.

You can do all this while marketing your products through actual demonstrations. You can display and demonstrate product features without having to insert large text chunks into the main brochure but simply embedding hyperlinks.

6. Highlight your CTA


The single most important reason for a brochure design is to encourage your readers to take action, right? To do this, you must bring your CTA (call to action) to the limelight. This means that you cannot make your brochure so text-heavy that it looks like a maze, making it impossible and confusing for readers to find the action.

In this brochure, the CTA is pretty straightforward – Discover Africa. The reader doesn’t even have to flip the pages to figure that out. So, in a nutshell, your CTA should be highlighted in bold throughout the brochure and be the central point of the entire brochure design.

7. Think outside the box



A brochure design does not always have to look like a pamphlet or a book. This is an excellent example of a creative brochure design that is bound to catch the eye. It is simple, uses the right colors and fonts, and does away with a brochure’s standard “pamphlet” design.

The design itself will make the customers inquisitive about what’s inside. Moreover, a brochure design as creative as this will undoubtedly lead to converting leads into customers, as they will be drawn to the brand that has struck a chord with this design.

8. Play around with shapes



Who says brochure designs have to be rectangular? Or square shaped? You can get creative even with the shape of the brochure pages. When you know your audience well, this becomes easier.

You may not want to play around too much with the shapes and colors if your audience is very formal and objective professional – like a charity dinner for the underprivileged. But if it is for something like this, Adidas, in this case, the audience is widespread, but mostly youth, and especially those who are athletic or like sports. Do you think this will appeal more to them than the standard square-shaped pamphlet?

9. Choose the material wisely

This one has direct implications for your brand. Consider this – you are promoting organic tea, but your brochure is made out of unrecycled paper! Imagine the effect it will have on the minds of the readers!

The brochure design will not only fail to have the intended appeal but will prove to be counter-effective and repel customers from the brand. If you are creating a physical brochure, take utmost care of the material you are using. Make sure that it speaks to the brand and promotes it.

10. Add relevant contact information.


Imagine that you do everything right from start to finish but still face issues converting leads through your brochure campaign. Ever wonder why?

Many great brochure designs fail because they forget to incorporate this important element of customer response. Imagine that you have ensured that your brochure has appealed to the customers, and now they want to get in touch with you to try out the offerings.

But unfortunately, there is no way for them to do that because you forgot to mention any contact information! That will be a disaster, won’t it? So, as a thumb rule, it is mandatory to incorporate your contact information like an email address, phone number, and social media handle links for your customers to get in touch.

In the End

A brochure design is as much dependent on the designer as it is on the brand manager. If the brand messaging is incorrect or the objective of the design unclear, the rest of it will go in vain.

Overall, a creative brochure design will be successful only if you know who you are designing for and the intended outcomes.

Key Takeaways

Most businesses use a brochure for marketing their offering.

You can use an online brochure design or a physical booklet.

Before delving into the actual brochure design process, you must be clear about the audience, the brand messaging, and the success metrics.

A powerful brochure design depends on the important elements of the right fonts and materials, interactive elements, and contact information.

A brochure will fail to achieve its outcomes if it is designed without knowledge of the target audiences and a clear CTA.

An effective brochure does not always have to be loud and can be subtle as long as it succinctly conveys the message.


1. What are the top tips for a brochure design?

The most important tip for a brochure design is to define the design objectives and to know the audience well.

2. What is the interior of a brochure for?

The interior of a brochure is to break up the information that you want the audience to absorb.

3. How can an employment brochure be made to look more fun?

A standard employment brochure can be made more fun by adding colors and different fonts.

4. How many fonts are needed for a brochure design?

No standard set of fonts or numbers is needed for a brochure design. But try to keep it at a minimum to avoid confusing the reader.

5. How to make a brochure on MS Word?

You can easily make a brochure design on MS Word by adding content and images and choosing the right “layout” option.