As a business owner, you must first understand how important it is for brands to market and develop a strong presence online. When it comes to successful brands, you will notice that most of them have adopted innovative blogging strategies to compel the audience. They create great storefronts and invest in marketing campaigns that attract their customers.
If you’re a business owner looking for some inspiration on blogging for your brand, then here are 10 unique blog examples from successful brands you must check out.
Table of Contents
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Blogging
- Do’s
- Don’ts
- 20 Unique Blog Examples
- Purity Organic
- VineBox
- Press’s Squeeze
- Pioneer Woman
- BarkBox
- BestSelf
- Harper Wilde
- Stonyfield
- Disney Parks
- Sole Bicycles
- Walmart
- Coca-Cola Unbottled
- Au Lit Fine Linens
- BioLite Energy
- Citrix
- Danny Brown
- Ecoki
- Nuts About Southwest
- Proctor & Gamble
- Delicious Days
- Key Takeaways
- FAQs
The Do’s and Don’ts of Blogging
One of the biggest mistakes most brands make is unable to stay consistent with their blogging. Simply posting one or two blogs a month isn’t enough to bring in traffic. You must develop an intelligent strategy to establish your blog. Here are a few do’s and don’ts before you start blogging.
- Add value: Your blog must have content that is right for your target audience. It should make them want to read the content you publish. Your content must educate and entertain.
- Have clear goals: Before you begin, ask yourself what do you want to achieve through blogging? You must focus on attracting readers through social media and search engines.
- Stay consistent: When it comes to blogging, you must ensure you stay consistent throughout. If you can manage to post just once in 15 days, it’s okay. However, make sure you make a schedule and follow it rigorously.
- Avoid over-done sales pitches: People arrive at your website to look at your services or products. If they need more information on what other products you sell, they’ll move directly to the product pages and not the blog. So, avoid aggressive sales pitches that may turn your audience away.
- Blogs shouldn’t consist of only product images: Your blogs shouldn’t only comprise product images, no matter how popular your products are. Complement your photos with storytelling and content to create interest and an emotional connection with your audience.
20 Unique Blog Examples
1. Purity Organic
Sweet Leaf Tea Company, acquired by Purity Organics, is a brand that sells different types of teas. Their strategy consists of a more informal approach with casual style fonts and language. Their content is a fantastic blog example of a ‘people approach’ strategy rather than the marketing approach, which helps draw their target audience instantly.
One of the best things to take away from this brand is appreciating and highlighting your employees. It’s a great way to give your readers a glimpse of what happens behind the scenes. This helps to show transparency and builds trust with your audience.
2. VineBox
VineBox is an e-commerce website that sells subscriptions allowing its audience to taste various wines each month. Their blogs focus on giving in-depth lessons on different types of wine.
This is one of the best blog examples of subscription strategy. Their blog aims to entice its audience to invest in the subscription. One of the advantages of content marketing is to create new members. So, creating a subscription box is always a great idea to get new members for your brand. It helps you grow and build your audience.
3. Press’s Squeeze
Press is a brand that sells cold-pressed juices and cleanses. So, for them, it’s all about living the healthy way. They emphasize this through their blog content and have converted their blog into a publication known as the ‘Squeeze Magazine’. The online publication doesn’t only talk about healthy eating but also emphasizes every aspect of staying healthy. Their blog content consists of workout clothes and offers some great suggestions for eating healthy while traveling.
With this content marketing and blogging strategy, the brand attracts readers to its website through inbound marketing.
4. Pioneer Woman
Pioneer Woman is one of the best examples of a successful blog. Ree Drummond, the creator, has used the blogging platform for all types of projects, such as photography, and to promote her cookbook. Ree’s secret lies in how she connects with her audience, focusing on creating a warm and friendly experience.
Some things to note from her blog are her simple bio and the way she stays consistent. She makes sure to change her blog’s header according to the seasons and time of the year.
5. BarkBox
BarkBox offers a monthly subscription that contains various goodies for dogs. They take their content marketing strategy to the next level by having an online publication site called the ‘BarkPost’. It has content on a variety of different categories, from cute doggy photos to city rules and answering medical questions. They’ve seemingly done well when it comes to optimizing their website for social shares. ‘BarkPost’ is an excellent example of a well-rounded blog.
6. BestSelf
BestSelf is a brand that focuses on helping its customers achieve their goals within a short time. So, the blog’s main idea is productivity. Their posts talk about lifestyle changes and tools that help with productivity, including improving leadership skills. BestSelf blogs are some of the best blog examples of casually and subtly mentioning products without sounding too pushy or aggressive.
7. Harper Wilde
Harper Wilde is a brand that sells reasonably priced bras. When it comes to their brand voice, they do a great job across various marketing channels, which reflects in their content marketing strategies. The brand uses a straightforward approach that’s adaptable. Harper Wilde’s blog focuses on developing content that answers different questions such as bra sizing, care, shopping, etc. These are some great blog examples on how to make content engaging, relatable and keep readers coming back for more.
8. Stonyfield Farm
Stonyfield Farm focuses on organic living. The brand sells organic dairy products and does an excellent job of keeping up with its brand image. Their blog consists of pictures and a range of articles for all family members, including the pet. They use words like ‘Let’s Be Friends’, which is warm and friendly. These serve as fantastic blog examples that encourage their audience to connect with them.
9. Disney Parks
Disney Parks is one of the best blog website examples designed to attract more visitors to their parks. They do a great job when it comes to their blog site by consistently posting professional content, photos, and videos. This is an intelligent way of telling their visitors and audience that the brand appeals to families and children, and hence they ensure that their blog site is child-friendly.
10. Sole Bicycles
Sole Bicycles is a brilliant e-commerce site that deals with everything bikes. Their blog is unique and impressive with a distinct style. They are among the best microblog examples of the perfect blend of updates, visually appeal, and just the right content to attract its audience. With limited text, they can tell stories of visiting different locations by pedaling away on your bike.
11. Walmart
Walmart is the largest company on the Fortune 500, and it has an outstanding blog that complements its success. The site offers an astounding variety of content, including products, shopping tips, business history, seasonal highlights, and news, but their human interest stories shine. One of Walmart’s objectives is to see it as a low-cost leader and as a business that cares about its employees and communities. Their content is a great blog example that effectively communicates this message.
The posts seem to be written by actual employees, all the way down to the store’s floor staff, which is fantastic. The blog reveals the company’s, genuine heart.
12. Coca-Cola Unbottled
Coca-Cola has numerous content sites, but “Unbottled” is the focus of the company’s blogging. Their extensive content is an excellent blog example of adding a human touch to corporate goals through stories. The “Unbottled” blogs offer diverse consumer, employee, and partner perspectives. They are responsive towards their audience, maintaining human connection and emotion that reflects in their blogs. Coca-Cola “Unbottled” is one of the best blog examples of consistently executing marketing communications properly.
13. Au Lit Fine Linens
Au Lit Fine Linens has everything you need for a restful night’s sleep, including bath linens, luxury sheets, and pillows.
Their blog follows this pattern, providing helpful articles explaining how their readers may enhance their sleep quality. The Au Lit Fine website is a good blog example of relatable content and products for their target demographic, an instant advantage.
Their content is also some of the best blog examples of SEO optimization. They provide content relevant to Google searches conducted by potential customers, such as “what duvet size is right for my bed.” It is an actual term that people may be looking for, and they have an article all about it.
Their post puts knowledge first, addressing a topic entirely, going in-depth, and answering related questions. This also helps in subtle product promotion. For example, if you are looking to read something on your extremely deep pillow-top mattress, in a manner that seems useful instead of interruptive, they put a single sentence describing the size of the best-selling duvet they’re discussing.
Treating it as a remark comes off as helpful instead of a sales promotion, and consumers are a lot more inclined to click and buy. After all, if people are trying to determine the right duvet size for their bed, they are almost certainly in the market for one.
Their site also includes other excellent advice, including indoor plants to have a peaceful night’s sleep and Mother’s Day gift recommendations.
14. BioLite Energy
BioLite is an online store of solar panels and camp stoves for outdoor energy. Their website content is some of the best blog examples of subtle sales promotion while still providing information-rich matter to their readers.
The adventure section is particularly noteworthy. It attracts people who are looking for guidance and retains them due to its utility. Their posts are in-depth, addressing every aspect of a prospective customer’s inquiry. An excellent example of this is the fire-starting guide. What’s more, they aim to make their content unique by being the most varied online resource for starting a fire. This also makes their content a great blog example of well-rounded content. Further, it prevents their readers from getting diverted to a competitor’s website and ensures audience retention.
The blogs have a unique brand voice and use storytelling to grow the brand while also inspiring more people to participate in outdoor activities. This is a good blog example of building a brand image.
Titles such as “Become acquainted with your fire pit” and “Can Your Mind Control Fire? ” instantly stand out, as does the tone of the postings, which are friendly and conversational. Specific posts, such as the above, begin with tales to pique readers’ attention and entice them to continue reading. Others create emotional ties via the stories of consumers, brand ambassadors, or employees. Their post “Moms Go Outside” is a fantastic example.
Biolite blogs are one of the best blog examples of content strategy, defining the voice and narrative with subtle sales promotion.
15. Citrix
Citrix’s distinctive blogging approach is centered on value creation. Their blog “Work Shifting” is a work/lifestyle publication that focuses on the issues faced by business travelers. What’s noteworthy is that it takes some effort to determine who is behind the blog since Citrix downplays their involvement. Rather than that, they’ve prioritized their audience’s requirements and created a place that speaks to their audience’s needs and interests.
Their content is a fantastic blog example of utilizing unique visual branding. They use their logo and pictures to differentiate their blog from the competition. Additionally, their visual identity is memorable—yet another indicator of a successful blog. Along with their branding, note how the content and subjects entirely focused on the target audience’s requirements. It’s critical when creating a blog that is larger than your brand.
16. Danny Brown
Danny Brown’s blog is an excellent blog example for consultants and anybody else building their brand. Brown establishes himself as an authority in his area via this website, highlighting his capabilities, abilities, and services.
The subtle presentation of his consulting services is a significant aspect of this site, and it’s all in the words he uses. Instead of saying “Hire Me,” he uses “Work with Me” on his website. While the words are only a little different, the feeling they evoke is totally different.
Danny Brown’s website is also a great blog example of the cliffhanger technique. He employs it by publishing a blog post sample and then including a “read more” button to entice readers to explore his blog site further. It is an effective technique for capturing visitors’ interest and attracting them to remain a bit longer and explore your site. Additionally, this concept allows you to save space on your home site by displaying just a teaser of your article’s content.
17. Ecoki
Ecoki is a blog site devoted to giving information, guidance, and ideas for living a green life.
The grid-based design of Ecoki’s website is a good blog website example of how simplicity can act as a strength. This style facilitates reading and highlights the different themes. Additionally, it simplifies navigation by including main headers such as featured articles, newest news, popular things, and resources. This ease-of-navigation, in turn, engages more visitors and ensures that they spend more time exploring other content.
Further, Ecoki has two distinct kinds of navigation bars. The top navigation bar highlights their primary coverage areas, which include food, technology, and design, while the navigation immediately under it highlights their media delivery, which includes articles, video, and information about contributors. These two different navigation bars empower readers by enabling them to select their preferred method of content consumption.
18. Nuts About Southwest
Nuts About Southwest, the airline’s blog, is one of the most frequently visited airline blogs in time. This website is one of the best blog website examples of creating a relationship between the brand and its customers. Its key to success is identifying and capitalising on the needs and interests of their devoted flyers. Keep in mind that blogs are much more than words.
Southwest excels in mixing up its media. They engage their many viewers via written articles, videos, pictures, polls, and surveys. They often begin with images to grab the reader’s interest, which is an excellent approach for any business blog.
19. Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble’s “Man of the House” is an excellent blog example of audience-specific content. Aimed primarily at men, this blog website covers topics such as technology, family, money, career, and fitness. While many “mommy blogs” are available today, few sites are dedicated exclusively to men and their hobbies. This website does an excellent job of capturing that niche market.
There are many effective features of “Man of the House”, but what makes it one of the best blog website example content is their photographs on their homepage. Each blog post contains a thumbnail picture to help readers in browsing the posts. It is an excellent method to highlight your content, mainly if you write on a range of subjects and want your readers to browse your archives.
This site does not additionally blast ads and promote its products. Rather than that, they’ve created a site with excellent content and exciting features and discreetly integrated their marketing messages throughout, but only as a secondary result. Their primary objective is to provide value to their audience via tips, techniques, and ideas.
20. Delicious Days
When it comes to blog design and general layout, Delicious Days remain unmatched. This website is an excellent food blog example of understanding what your audience will react to and providing information in a manner that is personal and captures their interest.
The site is simple to read and navigate due to white space and a black-and-white style.
The blog’s creators and designers, Nicky Stich and Oliver Seidel have included an uncommon feature on most blogging sites. You’ll see a tab in the upper-right corner “Can I assist you?” It works as a website search tool.

Key Takeaways
If you’re looking for a blog that focuses more on visuals, make sure to use storytelling and text to evoke the right emotions. Another thing to keep in mind is to have a mix of different elements. You can add playlists, videos, and other engaging content to keep your audience hooked.
If you want to grow and build your brand, blogging is one of the best things. The above ten blog examples show that the brands decide on precisely what they to achieve and work around it to reach their goals. Blogging can help you increase your subscribers, build trust and relationships and ultimately drive sales.
Don’t tell readers your business is wonderful; instead, create excellent content that encourages them to say so. To establish trust with your audience, use clear, particular language and examples.
A professional blogger in India may make up to $10,000 per month. A blogger may make between $300 and $400 per month on average. Celebrity bloggers often make between $20,000 and $30,000 per month. Over the past several years, blogging has developed into a serious career for many individuals in India.
In your first blog post, introduce yourself to your readers, explain what your blog is about, and explain why you’re writing. Even a little opening paragraph may give your readers an idea of what to expect.
Conduct research. For on-page SEO, keyword research is critical.
Throughout your post, include keywords.
Improve the quality of your pictures.
Include hyperlinks to other resources.
Allow people to subscribe to your blog.
Utilise social media to increase the visibility of your blog posts.
By presenting your website as a relevant solution to your consumers’ questions, blogging contributes to the quality of your SEO. Blog posts that include a range of on-page SEO techniques may increase your chances of ranking in search engines and improve your site’s appeal to visitors.
Bloggers may make money via different methods. Adding ads to your blog is a common technique. When the readers click on your ad, you get revenue.
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