Table of Contents
- Find your voice and niche
- What to write about?
- 21 Blogging Tips for New Bloggers
- FAQs
Did you know that according to statistical estimates by Optinmonster, WordPress users alone are publishing more than 70 million posts each month?
The market for blogging has simply exploded, and the competition is quite stiff. However, do not feel demotivated if you are a beginner in this space. By following a few proven tactics nascent blogs can easily rise up the ranks and earn high organic traffic volume to their sites.
Still, feeling overwhelmed and don’t quite know where to begin as a new blogger in the space? Here are a few proven blogging tips for beginners that can help you elevate the quality of your blog and grab more eyeballs on the internet.
21 Blogging Tips for New Bloggers
1. Find your voice and niche
What is your blog going to be about, and how will you tell your story? Are you going to be the funny blogger who dumbs down important political issues for regular people to grasp? Or, are you going to be a luxury travel blogger writing about high-budget travel destinations?
Being the jack of all trades and master of none cannot take you far in the blogging business. Writing about politics, beauty, and relationships all in one blog diminishes your credibility and subject matter expertise. Since people prefer to go to an expert for specific issues, you should find your niche. So, one of the first blogging tips for new bloggers is, find out which topic you have the most knowledge on and base your blog around that.
Once you know your niche, another essential blog writing tip for beginners is establishing a tonality for your blog. Be it conversational, professional, or humorous, find your voice and establish your tone in the first 3 to 4 posts. This will ensure that your readers associate a specific writing style with your blog and know exactly what to expect.
2. What to write about?
Blogging is a versatile form of content creation. A blog can be used for various purposes, from expressing what’s on your mind to promote your business. So what exactly should you be writing about?
If your blog is associated with your own business, the content must be tailored to fit your business and promote it further. For example, if you run a homemade candle business, the content pieces can range from ‘10 Candle Fragrances You Should Have In Your House’ to ‘How To Manage A Home Run Business?’
If you wish to launch a non-business-oriented blog, you should research topics and find out what kind of content people are most interested in reading. A tip for new bloggers is to check out various keyword research tools that can generate content ideas for your blog and offer insights on what kind of content people are reading based on keyword search.
3. Focus on readability
One of the key factors of a high SEO ranking article is its readability. If a blog post ranks high on readability, it will retain the reader’s attention for longer compared to a complex, difficult-to-read post.
Some pro-blogging tricks to improve your blog’s readability are:
- Make sure your sentences are short and simple to understand. Do not use run-on lines and very complicated jargon in your blogs.
- Add several images and/or embed videos in your blog posts to break the monotony of text. Visuals are super important to ensure the reader does not get bored.
- Break up your content into proper paragraphs with H1, H2, and H3 headlines.
- Use bullet points and lists to drive home your argument in a more precise and easy-to-read format.
If you make your blog posts more readable, the readers are bound to stick around and read your posts till the end. It also increases your traffic and improves the SEO score of your blog.
4. Optimize on-Page SEO
As a beginner, you might not be aware of the nitty-gritty of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and it can be a little overwhelming. One of the best blogging tips for beginners is to start with the basics to do a decent job at maintaining your on-page SEO. You will develop an in-depth understanding in time as you optimize your blogs. This will give you a fair chance at ranking high on Google’s search page even if you are a new blogger.
Keywords: For good on-page SEO, some tips for new bloggers are:
- Ensure that you have your keywords in your H1, H2, H3, and meta descriptions.
- Use your primary and secondary keywords organically throughout the article without indulging in keyword stuffing.
URL: If your URL reads something like this:, it will bring down your SEO score. A good tip for new bloggers is to try and shorten the URL and ensure it matches the content of your blog post.
5. Try guest blogging
When starting, one of the main challenges is to promote your blog and drive up its visibility. A top blogging tip for beginners is to promote themselves on a popular blog with an existing and widespread readership.
You could either write a guest blog on a popular existing blog site or invite an established blogger to write a guest post on your blog and promote it to their reader base. Either way, you will be leveraging existing networks and a wide readership of the other blogger and their site to benefit your blog.
6. Earn backlinks for your posts
Backlinks are not only a great organic boost for your SEO but also an excellent mechanism to increase the visibility of your blog.
Let’s say you have a protein powder business, and you want to promote your blog. You should collaborate with an existing fitness blog and get them to backlink their posts to your blogs. This way, when the readers are reading a fitness article on the other blog, they can be redirected to your blog via the backlinks in the post.
As a beginner, it might be hard to get popular blogs to backlink to your content without monetary incentives. However, if your content is good and offers value, other bloggers will automatically backlink to your blog posts.
7. Promote your blog on social media
Is writing a good blog enough to earn high traffic? The answer is no.
You might have one of the most well-researched and eloquently written blogs on the internet, but readers will most likely miss it if you are unable to promote it. This is why one of the top blogging tips you should follow is to promote your blog on different social media platforms.
A pro-blogging trick is to repurpose your content and make it bite-sized so that you can share it on social media. For example, maybe share a small excerpt of your blog on Instagram with a catchy caption and a link to the blog.
8. Get the cue from your target audience
Users read your content on social media expecting to find answers to their questions. A good blogging tip is to get cues from your audience and choose topics that people like to read on most.
Look up their previous blog comments or Tweets to get an idea about what people are looking for online. Some readers may want a solution to a technical issue they face, while others may want information about female entrepreneurs.
The range of any niche is wide. So, one of the best blogging tips to choose your topic is by getting ideas from your readers.
The trick lies in understanding your audience better than they understand themselves, which is possible only through intense research and study on your buyer’s persona. You may want to join a forum such people are members in to get a better idea of the solutions they seek.
Understanding the users gives you a fair idea of what type of blog content resonates with your readers. As mentioned above, you can get the cue from your readers’ posts on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
The posts that have the maximum number of responses and comments are the ones that make great topics for your blog.
9. Before writing for others, write for yourself
Before you can start writing for the users, a good blogging tip is to first try writing for yourself. You may not be sure how others will take to your writing. It is better to get your thoughts and ideas in order and see what it looks like in writing.
If you start writing for yourself (without a care in the world), you are likely to come up with some amazing content. However, you need to check if that is what the readers are looking for and polish it by adding some well-researched facts to make it a compelling read.
Blogging tips include writing for yourself on an experimental basis before you can publish. Blogging tips for beginners would go a step further and ask you to ponder on your skills and check out how you can brush them before putting them to the test.
10. Start expanding your email list
The big question is, who are you planning to share your content with? To start with, you could start expanding your email list (start building it if you don’t have one) and widen your database of users.
Even if you don’t have immediate plans to use your content commercially, you must have an email list to share your content, where you have to worry about bounce rates and rankings for your website.
You can have a call-to-action in your email, and instead of having the traditional, oft-used “subscribe to my email,” you could try something catchier like “subscribe for better jobs” or “subscribe to my free eBook.”
According to Digital News Report, 21% of users accessed news via email in the U.S.A pro-blogging trick is to add a hyperlink to your blog with the promise of more valuable information that offers a solution your readers may be looking for online.
11. Don’t ignore your existing readers
Many bloggers tend to ignore their existing readers as they are anxious to increase their readership. One of the most valuable blogging tips for beginners emphasizes the importance of respecting and retaining your current readership during your quest for new readers.
Keep in touch with your existing readers and provide informative content (as blogs) to keep them engaged and in touch. Focusing on your current readers helps you understand them better and learn their pain points.
A blog is not just a part of technology appearing via any platform; it is a solemn promise to your readers that they can keep expecting value-added content addressing their needs. People look forward to your content and come back for more, only if it is highly insightful and makes for excellent reading.
12. Maintain a schedule
One of the best blogging tips you can get is to stick to a routine. Even if you write infrequently, don’t deviate from your schedule.
If there is a long gap in your writing, people assume that you’ve given up writing and tend to forget you. Whether you write once a week (every Monday) or every alternate day, ensure you don’t miss writing even for a single day because people expect content from you and start looking forward to it.
It is advisable to maintain a content calendar and follow it systematically. There is no point in writing whenever you feel like it (writers’ mood), have a self-imposed commitment, and stick to it.
One way to maintain a writing schedule is to keep adding to your repertoire of topics. Keep constantly searching for new ideas and save them, and you can fall back on your list when the opportunity arises.
13. Put your heart and soul into your blog
Being a half-hearted blogger won’t serve any purpose because you’ll end up wasting precious time without achieving anything.
Don’t attempt to write if you don’t feel like it because content lacking enthusiasm lacks quality and purpose. Time management is crucial to writers, and there’s no point in complaining about lack of time.
One of the most meaningful blogging tips for beginners is realizing how important blogging is as it is not just your bread and butter but your life breath.
Try to enjoy writing, and somewhere down the line, you’ll get obsessed with it. If writing doesn’t seem fun, you are probably writing on the wrong topics or subjects.
It is advisable to write about subjects that interest you to add more life to your writing. Blogging suits some people, but not all, and it takes more than language skills to become a successful blogger.
14. Give due importance to call-to-action
You may write and write furiously, but to no avail, if there’s no call-to-action, in your blog. Without call-to-action, you are unlikely to get any responses or conversions, and you may not even get return visitors.
People don’t want to take the trouble of finding your Twitter handle or look for your details on the sidebar. One of the best blogging tips is adding a call-to-action to your blog asking your readers to either follow you on social media or visit your website.
You won’t believe the increase in the number of your followers. A simple “let’s meet on Twitter” or “I’d be thrilled to meet you on Twitter” should produce some excellent results.
15. Be generous and always give stuff away
Giving generously to your readers will endear them to you as a writer, and they will become your devoted fans.
According to a research analysis conducted by Unbounce, as early as 2013, adding a giveaway to content increased the email subscription by 125%. Sharing valuable information helps you bond with your readers and helps make your content authentic and more sought-after.
It could be a link to a free webinar or an eBook that has some information that addresses the issues faced by your target audience. A pro-blogging trick for giveaways is using tools like Rafflecopter, Gleam, PromoSimple, KingSumo.
16. Consistency is the key to success
Most bloggers commit the mistake of forgetting the importance of consistency.
Not being consistent will only make you lose your existing traffic, leave alone build additional traffic. One of the most sensible blogging tips for beginners emphasizes the importance of consistency, which helps keep your readers coming back for more.
Consistent blogging will help you build and expand your subscriber base, ultimately leading to better conversions.
17. Share the wealth of your knowledge
Besides the blogging tip asking you to be generous with your giveaways, here’s another that prevails on the importance of sharing your wealth of knowledge.
If you have some good stuff that may benefit others, you should share your ideas with your readers.
If you give away the information starters for free, you can charge a premium for the knowledge a la carte you sell.
18. Speak with a straightforward voice
Being true to yourself and your voice helps as most people are not impressed by the vibrancy and tone of a website, they connect at a more personal level and believe in following people.
One of the most valuable blogging tips for beginners stresses the importance of resonating with the right voice. It always matters what you convey, rather than how much you say.
19. Don’t give up midway
“Well begun and half done” is a saying that applies to most beginners, and seasoned writers offer blogging tips that stress the importance of giving time as beginners to get returns.
You need to invest your time and be patient as the web world is crowded with millions of writers jostling for space. If you are looking for quick returns, blogging is not for you.
It may take you years to become an accomplished writer, and you keep learning new things every day.
20. Write eye-catching headlines
Writing catchy headlines is one of the best blogging tips to grab the attention of your readers. Always keep your target audience in mind while writing your headline. Your headline can’t contain the term “carnal desires” if your target audiences are composed of nuns and monks.
Other blogging tips for beginners include:
- Inserting the primary keyword in the title, ideally centered around the headline.
- The headline should always hold an exciting promise for more. For example, “Three Pieces of Advice for Treasure Hunters that are Life-changers” sounds catchy enough to kindle the curiosity of any reader.
- Soon after reading your headline, the reader should feel like reading on. If your headline promises a solution to a problem, many readers will read through your blog.
- Using numbers also helps; a headline starting with “Top 10 ways to…” is sure to evoke a better response.
21. Make it worth sharing and referencing to others
Before you publish your blog, check if anyone would find it worth citing. Intense research helps you come up with interesting facts that people like to read and share.
Besides having an original idea, your blog should carry information that helps solve problems. Ask yourself, “would anyone think my blog is worth emailing to a friend”? It is a simple question that can change the way you write.
Put yourself in your readers’ shoes while writing your blog and check if it is interesting enough.
Get Cracking on Your Very First Blog
If you are passionate about something, turn it into a blog and share your passion with millions worldwide. Above were some handy blogging tips for beginners out there. If you do not see immediate results, do not give up. Remember, the best blogs on the internet today also started from the bottom.
Channel your passion for writing into top-quality blogs, provide value to your readers, follow SEO formatting, and soon you will see an organic increase in your readership.
The focus should be on creating blog posts with a purpose to serve the business’ goals. Giving what resonates with the target audience is essential, and writing with a friendly tone helps. While you can subtly display your personality, you shouldn’t be dwelling on it. Emphasizing a point repeatedly helps send the message home. Always pay attention to the title, which should contain a gist of what follows in the blog.
One of the best blogging tips is being open to feedback on your writing. It pays to reach out to people you respect and admires. If you don’t have one already, create an email list to share your content. Don’t forget to share your content with online communities where all the action takes place. Some top blogging tips for beginners include doing guest blogs for other websites and updating your content regularly. Also, make it a point to write every day to help you keep in touch.
Spend enough time to choose a blog name, which should be a descriptive one. The sooner you publish your blog, the better, and try to get it registered and hosted. One of the essential blog writing tips includes customizing your blog to make it unique. You can always get ideas from free blog design templates available online. Promoting your blog is equally important because nobody will come to know about you and your content unless it is readily available. Remember that there is great potential to earn money through your blogs, and you should start making money at the earliest opportunity.
You need to focus on creating your self-hosted blog and start publishing compelling content readers love. Try to attract organic traffic to your website by using appropriate keywords. You can select such keywords by using Google’s Keyword Planner. Be open to having ads appearing in the midst of your content, as it is a great revenue-generating approach. You can write blogs about your products or services or write for third parties. Either way, you start generating revenue. Affiliate marketing is another excellent way to generate revenues.
intimidated, you should break the ice after writing a couple of blogs. Remember, people should find your writing exciting and continue reading, and come back for more. One of the best tips for new bloggers includes researching the topics well and taking enough time to produce excellent, error-free content. Other blog writing tips include checking out suitable blogging platforms; starting with WordPress is an excellent idea.
One of the dependable tips for new bloggers is relying on email for promoting your blog. You can also join writer forums or connect with other bloggers who are always willing to help a member of their tribe. Always keep SEO in mind while writing, as it helps with ranking. Other blogging tips for new bloggers include writing original content and leveraging
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