Content Creation

Content Creation for a Travel Blog: 15 Actionable Tips

Team Pepper
Posted on 2/05/226 min read
Content Creation for a Travel Blog: 15 Actionable Tips


It is always a great feeling to share one’s experiences, and travel stories are no different. Are you still bewitched by your latest travel experience and wish to package it into a blog to share with your friends? Maybe you want to monetize your passion for traveling via blogs. Apart from such earnest motivations, you will need a bit of know-how to understand how to write a travel blog. And that is what you can expect from this blog.

15 Tips for Writing a Travel Blog

Here, you’ll learn that when explaining these experiences, it’s better to take on a more interactive tone. It helps others relate more to your story, and thus, makes it fun for both you and the readers. Still, pouring your emotions and experiences into a blog can be challenging. To aid you in this journey, we have put together a few tips on how to write a travel blog.

1. Come up with a list of topics


The first thing you need to start writing a travel blog is to make a list of topics you are interested in writing about. It’s okay if you can’t narrow down the list yet. Sometimes, broad topics can help you explore your options further. You can choose anything from sustainable travel to adventure destinations. No matter what theme you decide on, ensure you post high-quality photographs. Mentioned in the image above are a few travel blog ideas you can borrow.

2. Go into the details

While sharing your travel experience, it’s always better to be specific. Be clear about where and which places you visited, the specialties found there, and how you felt staying there. Some things to look for: neighborhoods visited, whom you traveled with, and hotels you stayed at.

3. Write about the locale

Talk about the behavior and type of people you met in a particular city, town, or village. Also, write about the quirks of that area, which you may recommend to your audience for sightseeing. For example, if you are writing about your travel experience to France, you should mention the Eiffel Tower and other sightseeing locations. In addition, you can add the names of the country’s famous cheeses, perfumes, wines, and other local specialties to your blog. You should also specify some offbeat places you visited and would like to recommend to others.

4. Find ideas and inspiration

Any creative work—writing an article or making a vlog—requires inspiration and innovative ideas. As they say, “Always a student, never a teacher.” You should always refer to other travel blogs to see how fellow travelers portray their experiences. You can even watch travel vlogs for further information and inspiration. You can even Google the best travel bloggers in the world. They can be storehouses of inspiration for you.

5. Ensure you share the most relevant experiences

Sharing your travel experience is good; however, you should never go off the topic or miss putting down the main ingredients of your blog. Always stick to the topic, and don’t share experiences that do not resonate with your audience. You must also take into consideration what traveling is like with pets and companions with special needs. Wherever applicable, include tips for traveling with such populations.


6. Create a structure

There needs to be a structure to your blog for enhanced readability. Although you can have subheads, blurbs, text blocks, and other elements, here is a broad outline you can follow:


Start by introducing the place. You can do so by giving a small overview of its culture or history. Highlight why it is travel-worthy and why you chose to go there, among other things.


This is where most of the interesting content goes in. Right from places to visit, events, and shopping opportunities to the interesting people you meet, the body is what should compel the reader to continue reading.


When concluding, put together some key takeaways and points to remember. This will help your readers plan their trip smoothly.

7. Use a casual yet informative tone

You can make your travel blog sound a bit casual, but most of it should be covered with useful details and information. If you’re not too confident about writing about a particular place, consider including the opinion or views of someone who has traveled there. Here’s an example of a blog that is both informative and engaging.


8. Target a specific audience

When we ask you to target a specific audience, what we mean is that you should find people who may have similar travel preferences as you or those who would look forward to your content. This helps you build deeper connections with the travel community at large. Also, when targeting them, you should keep yourself up to date on recent travel trends.

9. Do your research

Before venturing into unknown territory, it is highly advisable to conduct thorough research. This exercise helps you get a sense of the people there, the culture, safety concerns (if any), and the weather at the time you’re visiting. Additionally, you may have traversed the breadth of a place, but it is still possible to miss out on some details that make it worth a visit. In such cases, too, research plays a crucial role.

However, not all sources on the net are reliable. A good number of them are either outdated, clickbait, or even something totally irrelevant. So, the next time you are out hunting for material, only pick the points that are published by reliable and reputable sources.

10. Use statistics

Sometimes, to make a case for a location, it is better to show numbers to your viewers. Provide them with statistical reports on how many people visit the site yearly and the usual period of their visit. An example could be, “Five million people come to visit this UNESCO World Heritage Site annually.”

11. Write exclusively for the reader

Sharing your travel experiences is undoubtedly a key component of your travel blog, but the whole article should not be just about what you did from morning to night. Your travel blog should be more about what you think the reader might like. The best way to do this is by sharing travel hacks or tips. You may mention how you felt being there, but keep in mind to keep it short. In the end, your priority should be to provide your audience with crucial information.

12. Publish interviews

When you travel to a new location, the best way to learn about its culture and people is by interacting with the local populace. You can chat about the destination and its culture with the people who reside there. This can give you deeper, more enriching insights into the place. You can also ask the interviewee to suggest some must-see places of interest.

13. Focus on some fun activities

Tourist sites without entertainment or activities are unidimensional, and not many people dig that. So, try to add locations that have fun activities, such as a national park that may have kayaking, skiing, or mountain climbing. Besides that, do not limit your travel blog only to adventurous activities. Sightseeing, birding, and a pleasant Photowalk count as entertainment too.

14. Help your audience sketch out an itinerary

Your travel blog is not all that useful if it can’t arouse wanderlust in the reader. However, evoking is not enough either. You need to hand-hold your reader through the travel planning process, should they decide to visit the place. You can arm them with key information, such as the following (note that the below-mentioned list is not exhaustive):

Names and frequency of flights to and from the location

How to get to the destination after landing

Recommended staying options for all budgets

Local foods to try out

Places to visit

Where to shop

Things to do

● What to pack

15. Review the blog before posting it

After you have added the finishing touches to your article, ensure to proofread it before posting. Check if the travel blog has all the necessary information. This way, you would be able to determine if your article is good enough for the world to see.

Learning how to write a travel blog takes patience, perseverance, courage, and support from the community. Travel blogging is no easy task and requires a ton of effort. However, if you put your sweat and blood into it, you are guaranteed to be successful. Hopefully, our advice will help you to get started with your travel blog, or if you have already started, then improve further.


1. What is the purpose of a travel blog?

A travel blog is an online journal on one’s travel experiences. While it is an old concept, many travel and tourism companies have only recently started leveraging their potential to attract leads.

2. Is it hard to become a travel blogger?

There is no job in this world that isn’t hard or won’t make you sweat. The same is with travel blogging, where you have to put in a lot of effort and time. In the beginning, it’s better to have travel blogging as a hobby rather than a full-time career. Once you have a more stable income, you can think of making travel blogs a full-time profession.

3. How to become a good travel writer

Excellent writing skills, a courageous streak, strong communication skills, and a passion for travel make a good travel writer.