8 Best Marketing Tactics to Use While Targeting Men as Customers

One of the founding rules of advertising and marketing is that different approaches are required to target different sets of audiences. This means that marketing tactics should be different when your brand targets women versus targeting men. This is mainly because the way men consume marketing content is different from how women consume it.
Thus, following certain tips and tricks while targeting different genders promises a more effective response, higher conversions, and sales when done correctly. In this guide, we will share some effective content marketing tactics along with statistics and behavioral patterns that will help you target a male audience more effectively.
Marketing Content Consumed by Men

Psychology suggests that men and women consume different kinds of marketing content. As we go one step further, we realize that how the content is delivered also impacts consumption.
A Wordstream survey suggests that men spend 40% more time consuming online video content. This means that for your brand targeting a male audience, a video about your product would be more helpful than a text-based email.
And when it comes to social media, here are some eye-opening facts:
- While Instagram and Facebook are considered the best platforms to apply your social media marketing tactics, men are also fond users of Twitter.
- In fact, Pinterest’s demographics suggest that there has been a growth of 40% in Twitter’s male and Gen Z users every year.

So, without further ado, let’s dive deeper into which kind of marketing tactics work on men, which do not, and how you can make use of the best content marketing tactics to grow your brand’s male audience.
8 Marketing Tactics to Target A Male Audience
1. Leverage the power of advertising and social media
As we mentioned previously, men tend to look at ads when placed correctly on the browser. They also consume a lot more video content as compared to women. Finally, going by the universal statistics, social media is the primary source of entertainment for most people across the world. To be precise, Instagram is the second-best performing social media marketing platform, with an average of 10 hours per month for its users.
The results are simple but pivotal when you put two and two together. The best marketing tactics to target a male audience are a sum of advertising and social media marketing. According to your brand, product, and budget, you can pick from:
- Running video ads on YouTube
- Ranking on search engines
- Using Facebook ads to target and increase your male audience
It is also crucial to be regular on social media and keep putting out refreshing, humorous, relatable, and straightforward content to make the most of your digital marketing tactics. Go for professional social media content writing to leverage your marketing strategies for men.
2. Communicate logic, creativity, and humor

While women respond to emotional messaging typically, men are inclined towards straightforward and logical communication. Men also tend to appreciate good humor and out-of-the-box ideas that make your brand stand apart. And when it comes to product purchase, men demand fewer details, a clear description of the product, and ultimately, fewer steps to place an order.
When sketching online marketing tactics for your brand that caters to men, make sure to keep your communication guided by these fundamentals.
3. Keep your content simple and to the point
Most men appeal to imagery and graphics better than long paragraphs of text. Furthermore, when it comes to visual design, studies show that simple and to-the-point designs and ads tend to do better with men. On the same lines, when it comes to navigating a website, men prefer sites that are easy to navigate and have clearly placed call-to-action buttons.

Thus, when you’re planning online marketing tactics to appeal to men, make sure to keep it quick, simple, and effortless in every aspect of marketing. For example, if you are marketing a sports shoe through an ad, make the shoe image the hero of your ad, pair it up with a short, humorous, or concise copy, and make sure to add a highlighted and obvious CTA button.
4. Market in line with men’s decision making process
Men tend to go by the process of elimination while making their purchase decision. Typically, they create a set of attributes checklist and eliminate any product that does not match their requirement. On the other hand, women usually look at the overall picture before coming to a decision.

While analyzing the best marketing tactics, you can consider offering your target audience a clear list of benefits and perks that come with your brand. This could resonate well when you are targeting men and prove to be a direct, no-fuss communication method too.
5. Work out gender perception
Pink shirts are not for men; extensive hair care is not macho enough; and so on. While it is time to move forward and dismiss these outdated gender perceptions, it is still a reality that many men are still susceptible to men. Studies show that men are more likely to follow gender perceptions than women.
While no brand should encourage gender perceptions, it is an important lesson for a marketer planning digital marketing tactics to make a note of them. If your product falls under the bracket of a stereotype, your marketing can be more impactful if you can tap into these perceptions of your target audience.
6. Build a trusted brand
Multiple studies prove that when given a choice, men shop from a trusted brand instead of a brand that they have never heard of before. For example, while shopping for grooming essentials, men are likely to go for a brand that everyone has heard of, such as Sunsilk or Nivea, instead of a homegrown brand that’s just getting in the game.

To convince a male target audience to go with your brand, focus on showing credibility as one of your content marketing tactics. Making your audience used to your brand’s name by running ads reaching out to them through marketing verticals such as email, social media posts, and app notifications all work in your favor in this scenario.
7. Understand demands
Men usually spend higher on things that they consider a ‘must-have’. When they decide that they want a product, they are most likely to go ahead and purchase without giving it too much thought.
Due to this compulsive and result-driven trait, it is easier for marketers to get conversions by telling them exactly what they are thinking about. They are usually not the ones to add things to their cart, think over their decision for a few days, and then circle back to your site. Rather, they are likely just to go ahead and make a purchase within minutes.

In your next content marketing tactic, try standing in your user’s shoes and write exactly what they want to read. When your ad or proposition is to the point and convincing, you will likely get a conversion from your male audience.
8. Don’t leave out women
Even when your brand targets men, it is not recommended that you remove women from your marketing tactics altogether. There are multiple reasons for this.
Firstly, the communication on your website, social media profile, and other verticals such as newsletters is open for all. So, while it is great to set voice, tone, and visual language to target men, always remember that your content is universal.
Secondly, men often take suggestions from women while making purchases. Studies show that men tend to consult with the women they are close to while shopping, even online. From clothing to grooming essentials and workout gear to machinery, it is likely that your product shall reach women one way or the other.
Additionally, surveys show that partners usually decide unanimously when it comes to big expenses. Thus, play on the safe side and create a digital marketing tactic that targets men while offering inclusive communication.

Content Marketing Stats to Remember
- Men look for a different shopping experience than women.
The parameters for most men for a comfortable shopping experience are different from those of most women. For example, women tend to be impressed with face-to-face communication or having a team member assist them as they shop. Whereas for men, facilities such as easy parking accessibility and satisfactory inventory leave a mark.
When marketing your brand to men, especially for an in-store experience, make sure to highlight these aspects because these details make for a pivotal part in most men’s shopping journey.

- Digital ads and banners influence 50% of men between the ages of 25-40.
If you are developing digital marketing tactics for a brand, pay extra attention to the banners on your website. Additionally, doing ads of your product with short and convincing text and powerful visuals is also recommended.
- 45% of men are influenced by major search engines.
Running ads or attempting ranking on the most widely used search engines can prove to be the best marketing tactic for targeting men. As per a survey by Microsoft, men tend to use major search engines for their shopping queries.

- Men tend to think about the outcome while making a purchase.
While women enjoy the process of buying and using products, men are generally focused on the outcome it will bring. For example, a woman may like the process of researching and shopping for furniture, visiting stores, and making comparisons. At the same time, most men are focused on the benefits that they’ll get from the product only.
- 90% of women consider their s/o before big transactions.
An eMarketer survey suggests that when big expenses among a couple are involved, both parties discuss before going ahead with the purchase majority of the time. Thus, it is crucial to balance your visual language, communication, and online marketing tactics. Aliening women for a men-oriented product may not be a great idea.
- 41% of online shopping by well-to-do men is done on Amazon.
According to a survey by iProspect, Amazon accounts as a go-to platform for men who wish to shop for products. So, if yours is a business that sells products for men, you may want to consider listing them on Amazon and running ads on the site if needed.

Keeping the statistics, gender preferences, and marketing consumption in mind, it is safe to conclude that designing marketing tactics directed towards men is beneficial for marketers. It helps you reach the correct audience and, more importantly, resonate with them on a deeper level. Try thinking out of the box and creating content that speaks to men more than anyone else in your next content marketing strategy.

Key Takeaways
- Keep your visual language, communication, and content to the point. Don’t beat around the bush with your copies and when it comes to design, make sure to deploy easily navigable websites, obviously placed calls to action, and crystal-clear messaging.
- Step into the shoes of your target audience. The primary rule of any content marketing tactics is to understand your user group inside out. Learn what men want to hear, what interests them around your brand’s field, and what they generally do not prefer.
- Respect the statistics. While you may think otherwise, statistics show what the masses are thinking. Read up on men’s marketing and shopping preferences through surveys taken in your country/region. And use them as your brand’s strength.
- Tailor your marketing for your target group. As inferred from this article, men and women have different preferences in selecting, shortlisting, and purchasing products or services. Understand which marketing tactics will work the best for men and market your brand accordingly.
While conventional marketing tactics follow the 4 P’s of Marketing, the field has evolved largely in the last few decades. This is largely owed to the continuously developing digital marketing tactics. The new 7 P’s of marketing are:
– Product
– Price
– Promotion
– Place
– Packaging
– Positioning
– People
As pillars and elements, they are all interconnected. When you take the right approach to each of the 7 Ps of marketing, you can expect your brand to grow.
As we learned in this article about marketing tactics to target men, resonating with a male audience requires attention to how they think and what they appreciate.
When it comes to targeting senior citizens, including men, start by understanding that their criteria will be different from younger generations. It is important to use relatable language and make understanding and purchasing easy for them. Finally, try and give them something familiar by personalizing their experience.
Running targeted ads on Instagram is a sure-shot way of attracting a male audience using social media marketing tactics. Instagram ads let you select your target group’s gender, age, demographics, and preferences.
Moreover, while sharing your brand’s content, it is important to follow the visual language, communication, and content that resonates more with men. Lastly, it is key to use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience.
Marketing tactics for reaching a male audience include making content that is more susceptible to men, shaping the brand’s design language according to their liking, and studying statistics. Content marketing tactics should have a male focus with a touch of humor, directness, logic, and crispness.
The core elements of effective online marketing tactics involve positioning the brand correctly, strategizing a marketing plan, proposing value to the customer, and setting your business goals.
Gendered marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on consumers based on their gender. This helps the brand tailor the product, price, promotion and reach the target group more effectively based on gender stereotypes. In social media marketing tactics, gender plays an important role in segmenting your audience.
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