Content Writing

10 SEO Content Writing Techniques You Must Know

Team Pepper
Posted on 13/12/215 min read
10 SEO Content Writing Techniques You Must Know

Table Of Contents

  • SEO Content Writing
  • 10 Ways to Simplify SEO Content Writing
  • Key Takeaways
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

Every content writer dreams of seeing their content on the first page of a search result. How does this happen? Can you make it happen? Well, this article focuses on precisely that. These ten content writing techniques will help you brush up on your content writing skills with some easy SEO tricks.

Getting a better ranking on the search engine helps your content garner attention and user engagement. It is, therefore, vital that when writing content, one must optimize it to compete with the search engine algorithms. 

This allows your content to attract more customers with improved UX. Before we check out some SEO content writing techniques, let’s understand what SEO content writing actually means. 

SEO Content Writing

SEO is a method used to curate website content according to the readers’ needs and search engine algorithms. It is done by employing many SEO techniques, including technical, local, on-site, and off-site SEO techniques. 


However, along with the successful SEO implementation, websites must also have high-quality content that is more likely to increase their organic traffic. This is where well-rooted SEO content writing comes in. So, who needs to use these tips for writing SEO-friendly content? Big businesses, black-belt marketers, and even content creators need to implement SEO effectively. 

SEO-friendly content allows search engines to crawl through it effectively, thus helping index it. This results in higher SERP positioning. Ensure that your content has optimal keywords and other SEO writing techniques, making it more search-friendly. 

Now that you’re more familiar with the nitty-gritty of SEO writing, it’s time to check out some SEO content writing guidelines to follow while optimizing your content!

10 Ways to Simplify SEO Content Writing

Sit tight; up next, we’re sharing the ten best SEO writing tips to help you ace the SERP rankings.

1. Good keyword research

Keywords are inputs your users are likely to enter in the search box of a search engine like Google to find information. Search engines analyze keywords to see how relevant your content is to what the user wants to know. 

Carry out a comprehensive study to find suitable keywords for your topic. Find out their search volume, keyword difficulty, and more. Good online tools for keyword research are Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and KWFinder.

Your content should have 1-2 primary keywords and several related secondary long-tail keywords. The best keywords are moderate in difficulty to rank and high in search volume. An important note is to avoid keyword stuffing. It negatively impacts your content by reducing its readability for users and hurts your page rank. 

2. Write for humans

When writing, it is crucial to keep your target audience in mind. Are they seeking information, or are they potential buyers? This helps you set the right tone throughout your content.

The motto to follow is “humans first, spiders second.” SEO content writing is not just for the search engines to crawl and index it better but also for the readers. Therefore, don’t lose valuable content in a bid to make it more SEO-friendly. Strike a balance!

3. SEO content organization

One of the best tips for writing SEO-friendly content is organizing it. This means deciding your topic, creating quirky headlines, and using indicative subheadings. These keep readers engaged and interested.

When writing the body, align the content with the intended tone and break it into relevant headings and points. Keep the language simple and paragraphs short and crisp. This helps your reader cut through unnecessary clutter and get the valuable information they need.


4. Internal and external linking

External links from other relevant websites increase your domain’s authority. On the other hand, internal links help drive traffic to other important pages of the website, which may be relevant to the content and user. 

When linking, keep quality over quantity in mind. Linking to a few high authority websites is more beneficial than linking to many low authority webpages. Infographics, videos, and similar short informative blurbs can be used by other sites and linked back to you.

5. Prioritize meta information

Metadata appears on the SERP and gives the reader a glimpse of the content. Ensure that your meta title and meta description are rich in keywords, short and precise. Avoid duplicating meta information, as this hurts the chances of better ranking. 

6. Use web analytics


Using web analytics can help you assess the health status of your web page and its contents. Information like page speed, security, Core Web Vitals can be evaluated, based on which you can optimize your page. It helps you analyze ideas and improvements, creating a more SEO-friendly atmosphere for your web page.

7. Promote via Media Platforms

Make use of social media platforms like Quora, blogs, and podcasts to increase traffic for your web page. To do this successfully, make sure to write share-worthy content. They can also be posted in the form of educational, fun snippets, which can be shared and linked back to your website! 

8. Apply visual imagery

Pictures, infographics, and videos make your content more eye-catching and keep the reader glued to it. They can also increase your organic traffic in the image section by using alt-tags, descriptive names, and sitemaps. Keep an optimal image file size as it affects the page speed. 

9. Readable URLs

Optimized URLs give visitors a brief idea about the content. It also helps in ranking by optimizing URLs with keywords. When creating URLs, make sure to use hyphens after every word, keep it short, and do not use any capital letters. 

10. Regular SEO content

Ensure a consistent and regular flow of content to your website. This can be done by creating a schedule and working according to it to create original content. Consistency tells search engines that your website is active and adds value to the readers. 

Key Takeaways

Here are the main SEO content writing techniques to keep a note of.

  1. Set a well-organized schedule, publish SEO-optimized content regularly, and decide topics beforehand with a basic layout.
  2. Carry out thorough research for suitable keywords and avoid keyword stuffing. 
  3. Remember that SEO content writing is not just for higher SERP rankings but mainly for the readers!
  4. Internal and external linking should be based on relevant content and be linked to high-quality websites. 
  5. Good meta titles and descriptions are vital for gaining organic traffic. Make sure to use high-traffic keywords, keep the title catchy, and the descriptions short and simple. 
  6. Use web analytics to understand the health of your webpage. It helps you find areas that need improvement. 
  7. Promote your content using social media, platforms like Quora, relevant blogs, and podcasts. 
  8. Visual imagery like images, infographics can help with organic traffic. They can also increase your backlinks.
  9. Use readable URLs to ensure that both the search engines and the readers understand the gist of your content. 


This article aims to educate every content writer about SEO content writing, its benefits, and the ten best practices for SEO content writing. These SEO content writing tips are sure to put your website on top of a SERP. So, start your SEO-friendly writing journey today!


1. How to use SEO in content writing?

Use keywords, write long-form content, use internal and external links, create readable URLs for effective SEO content writing

2. What is the role of an SEO content writer?

An SEO content writer employs good SEO strategies to write content that boosts the website’s search engine ranking.

3. How many types of SEO techniques are there?

There are three main types of SEO techniques. They include off-site SEO techniques, on-site SEO techniques, and technical SEO techniques. 

4. Which SEO techniques should I avoid?

Keywords stuffing, cannibalization, and exact matching are some black hat SEO techniques to be avoided. Others include buying backlinks and linking to the same pages repeatedly.

5. How to create an SEO strategy?

Make a list of topics and suitable keywords for them. Create a schedule and build content for each subject, use good SEO practices, and publish regularly.