
What is Viral Content & How to Create it for Your Business?

Team Pepper
Posted on 25/04/225 min read
What is Viral Content & How to Create it for Your Business?

It is an enigma how viral content spreads today. Somehow, millions of people watch Facebook videos of toddlers singing or Instagram influencer profiles offering juicy deep dives. While viral content marketing often involves a degree of luck and timing, for the most part, it depends on strategy, thinking, and attention to detail.

A marketing team’s ultimate goal is to go viral. Viral posts can shed a great deal of limelight on a brand, which is a worthy goal for a company. Today, anything that connects with the audience goes viral on social media.

What is Viral Content?



In the context of the internet, viral content refers to material that spreads quickly and attracts a large number of views. Video content is the most common viral content, but text, images, and infographics are also very effective. Viral marketing involves spreading content rapidly from person to person, with users acting as brand ambassadors.

It is challenging for companies to attract the attention of their target audience, given the sheer volume of internet content. Several of these businesses find that viral marketing offers lots of attention without spending much money.

Word of mouth used to be the primary method of distribution for the company’s content. However, social media presents businesses with new opportunities for interacting with a large audience of potential customers, such as sharing” on social media sites.

Why is Viral Content Important?

You can generate large amounts of traffic and brand awareness with one piece of viral content. In addition, viral content is relatively cheap compared to paid advertising because it generates a lot of traffic through social sharing.

7 Practices to Help You Create Viral Content


1. Identify your target audience

Here’s how viral content marketing works: Before deciding on a topic, you should determine at least five places where you can share the content. Next, ensure those five places have an abundance of potential readers. Your topic must be specific to quickly identify the audience who will appreciate your content and engage with it.

2. Create quality content

The most important thing to remember is to write quality content. The quality of your posts will still affect the amount of traffic you receive, even if they do not go viral. It is especially true when considering how much effort Google and Bing put into their stock listings.

Here are some tips for creating quality content-

Do not use excessively long sentences or paragraphs.

● Learn how to make a viral video

Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct.

Avoid adding “fluff” or other unnecessary details to the piece.

Don’t use words that are too big.

3. Include genuine emotions

Most people do not look for videos and blogs that appear overproduced or overdone. There must be a sense of authenticity. Maybe you have found the perfect drink to commemorate your wedding anniversary? Perhaps you would like to point out your boss traits that you find annoying and think most people can relate to?

A person is more likely to share something if they can relate it to their own lives. Those who are attached to something often share it with others. Learning how to create a viral video will surely be an excellent addition to your viral content marketing.

4. Don’t forget the humor part

One of the best tips for a tremendous viral content marketing strategy is to make the content more entertaining. People often share memes, videos, and posts that make them laugh in large numbers. For example, this morning, you probably saw or read something humorous on Facebook or Twitter and shared it with your friends.

It is vital to make sure the target audience is well-satisfied with your level of entertainment. Different people respond differently to different materials. So make sure you are sensible with your content creation.


5. Use unique images

We see countless blogs that do not make good use of powerful and unique featured images. Once again, your post is nothing more than a blip on someone’s timeline. You can tell a thousand words in a picture – use your featured image to do this before your audience clicks on your article.

The featured image of many businesses is usually a stock image or, worse yet, a dull icon. It’s easy to recognize stock photos at a glance, and their lack of effort and creativity deters readers from clicking through to the article. Featured images should have a few key features such as:

Avoid using copyrighted images!

Make sure it is the correct size. If the featured image is pixelated, grainy, or poorly crafted, the reader will leave.

Put yourself out there. If possible, use your own photograph. Otherwise, find an interesting, funny, or historic photo online.

Make sure the image you choose tells a story.

6. Choose the apt content length

Regarding B2B interactions, posts longer than 2,000 words are shared almost twice as often compared to those with a fewer than 1000 word count.

There’s no formula for determining the perfect length of a viral post. Some experts say that posts over 3,000 words are ideal. However, there are top-performing posts with less than 1,500 words. Your task is to determine the sweet spot for your post.

A few things will influence that perfect length:

Content quality

Target audience

Content industry or topic

● Amount of valuable data in the piece


7. Publish during peak hours

This is the most important tip to create your viral content marketing strategy.

Knowing when to publish is a simple method to catch the attention of the masses. Almost all industries have a peak period in which most audience members are eager to share content. Figuring out those peak times requires you to do some data analysis.

On the plus side, most sharing platforms provide tools to illustrate these ‘golden’ times. Several social media engagement sites offer you a breakdown of when your posts are most likely to receive interaction based on your interactions on social media.

A content marketing campaign that goes viral is not an exact science. If you make a viral post by force, you are doing one of the worst things you can do. Too much effort often leads to failure and may be counterproductive. Following these easy guidelines can significantly increase the chances of your blog, Tweet, or share spreading virally and getting you the exposure you need. Consider how you can alter your content marketing strategy to create something everyone wants to see.


1. What makes viral content?

Viral content is online content that is widely shared by email newsletters, social media networks, aggregators, and search engines, resulting in high levels of awareness.

2. How do viral content strategies work?

A company or user creates viral content when they share their communication. Many users share the content across different digital channels. This strategy is most effective when the message transmitted by a company is more important than the company itself.

3. What are the different types of viral marketing?

The two main types of viral marketing are organic (or wild) campaigns and amplified (or controlled) campaigns.

4. How does viral content spread?

Researchers examined how certain emotions encourage massive online sharing in a study on emotions and virality. that viral content elicits emotional responses that meet specific levels of arousal and dominance, two essential characteristics of options.

5. What number of likes is considered viral?

If you have a viral Instagram post with 100,000+ likes, views, and comments, but the account only has a few hundred or thousand followers, you have a viral post.