Travel & Hospitality
Sample: How Augmented Reality Is Helping the Hospitality Industry
Project Summary
Give a peek into what Augmented Reality can do for a Hospitality establishment. Explain Augmented Reality in simple terms and then focus on how it is helping in hotel management. Should be an easy read.
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I’m a content writer who has written for avant-garde brands like Marriot as well as new-age players such as Oyo. I have more than 3 years of experience in the field.
Earlier it was impossible to make digital images, videos or information segue into real-world scenarios. But today it is possible to integrate videos, audio or graphics with real-world objects – you can experience an enhanced version of the real physical world with the help of technology. Welcome to the world of Augmented Reality (AR)!
Virtual reality is confined to the virtual world only. It gives a not-so-clear picture or an idea. Augmented reality gets a realistic idea of everything and allows you to dive deep into the matter.
Believe it or not, AR is one of the reasons behind the growth of the hospitality industry in recent years. The hospitality industry includes hotels and other such establishments.
Augmented reality for the hotel industry
The hospitality industry is now a booming business, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), among other things.
AR technologies are the invention of artificial intelligence. They have made all the information required by a customer available before and at the time of arrival. Such technologies can provide such information quickly. In fact, customers can access them throughout the day.
Therefore, it further helps to satisfy, retain and increase the number of customers.
It works in two ways: front-of-the-house application and back-of-the-house application. These applications work by integrating themselves with the EAM CMMS mobile application or similar technologies.
Augmented reality helps hospitality businesses to advertise a hotel room’s luxury, amenities, environment and scenic beauty. They indirectly contribute to increasing the revenue of hotels.
Without augmented reality, hoteliers can hardly approach a large number of customers in a short time span. Augmented reality technologies have indeed made the hotel business profitable.
Here is how AR is making the hospitality industry witness a sea change :
Exclusive hotel rooms
You would love to select a hotel after getting a clear view of the rooms online. So now you are free to choose a hotel and rooms as per your taste and comfort. This has become possible only after AR technologies entered the picture. You can also view additional facilities like restaurants, pool, spa and gym, and make a quick decision, sitting at home.
Thus, AR can be said to be an online brochure for hotels. Finally, it has helped in increasing booking rates as well.

Beacon technologies
These technologies have removed the location barrier. You may be present in any corner of the world, but you will be able to operate many things virtually. It benefits the hotel industry a lot. Most people now prefer hotels with AR technologies.
For example, you may be busy outside, but you can easily lock or unlock your room doors from a remote location. There is no need to come in contact with the doors physically.
Guest handling
Indeed, hoteliers can never match the number of employees with that of guests. But every guest demands proper attention. AR has eliminated such problems by the invention of Google glass.
Hotel staff members are now using Google glasses to classify guests in the following manner:
- New or old guests.
- Preference for certain types of rooms.
- The purpose of visiting a hotel, i.e. for business or personal reasons.
Direction specification
Today, you only need a smartphone to guide you to your desired destinations. If you are in a hotel and want to enjoy the pool or gym, you need no one’s guidance to spot its location. You just need to hold your smartphone in different directions, and it will show you the accurate coordinates automatically.
Not only this, updates on management issues and housekeeping are also available through AR.
Augmented reality can be used to generate revenue by both small and big hotels. AR was initially used only for gaming, but now businesspersons can view its profitable side too.
AR in the form of smartphones or tablets or other gadgets help hoteliers to attract more and more guests without much effort.