Amharic to Luxembourgish Translation

Get the most accurate Amharic to Luxembourgish translation available online.

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Why Should You Translate Your Content?

Accepting and engaging with criticism can serve as a way to hone your skills.

Reason 1 graphic

Be local, bo vocal

It can be hard for a foreign audience to understand a foreign business, especially if your business is very foreign to their own culture. Cultural translation can help your customers connect with your product or service with success, and is an important part of effective business translation.

Reason 2 graphic

Speak their language

You will spend less time and money maintaining your translated content. You'll invest in localized content creation and translation, rather than maintaining it with future edits and updates.

Reason 3 graphic

Break barriers

You will gain international exposure simply by doing what you're already doing. As a marketer, you can either make the decision to stick to your native language and only reach a certain amount of people, or leverage the global digital arena that is embracing the global digital citizen.

About Amharic to Luxembourgish Translation Tool

Our Amharic to Luxembourgish translator is powered by Google's Translation API, which is arguably the best machine translation engine in the world. Half the hassle of computing your translation is completely eliminated by using Google's advanced translator.

Although Google Translate is actually not a 100% accurate translation, but it can still offer you a pretty good idea of what you might be trying to say. There are some aspects of this sentence which are not too relevant in English, but they are a vital part of the original sentence. This is simply a result of not being able to translate the sentence word-for-word. I tried to keep the original structure to make sentences sound more natural. This can be done by translating only the key words and putting an asterisk next to the parts that you have omitted.

Millions of people around the world speak Amharic. Since there are so many of these people, it is essential that we provide an online platform that serves to allow them to communicate freely, regardless of whether or not they speak or understand the same languages. This is why our language translator was created, to be a quick and easy way for people to communicate properly with one another. Provided for you are over a million different words or phrases, which you can use to freely interlink with others who do not comprehend the Amharic language! Analyzed Sentence:  More than _ million people around the world speak Amharic. For those who are not familiar with the language, understanding it can be cumbersome. This is why a translation app like ours is so relevant. While several websites offer Amharic to Luxembourgish translation for a few dollars, we believe that translating commonly-used words

Commonly spoken Amharic to Luxembourgish phrases

  • ስላገኘሁህ ደስ ብሎኛል

    Schéin dech kennen ze léieren

  • ገንዘብ መቀየር እችላለሁ?

    Kann ech Suen änneren?

  • ያ በጣም ብዙ ነው።

    Dat sinn ze vill.

  • በቂ ነው?

    Ass dat genuch?

  • አመሰግናለሁ ጌታዬ.

    Merci Här.

  • የእኔን እርዳታ ከፈለጉ እባክዎን ያሳውቁኝ።

    Wann Dir meng Hëllef braucht, sot mir weg.

  • ሂንዲን በደንብ አልናገርም።

    Ech schwätzen net gutt Hindi

  • በጣም ጥሩ።


  • ስራ አልበዛብኝም።

    Ech sinn net beschäftegt.

  • በቅርቡ ይመጣል።

    Hie kënnt geschwënn.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Amharic to Luxembourgish Translation Work?

Our translation service uses either Google or Microsoft neural net based services to translate text. Whenever a piece of text in Amharic is typed into our translation service - an API request is sent to Google's or Microsoft's neural net based services to check the conjectured result with the actual word, sentence, or phrase typed in Amharic. In return, they will return what they think is an accurate translation for the source sentence in Luxembourgish.

Is translation from Amharic to Luxembourgish free

Oui. Notre outil de traduction en Luxembourgish est ABSOLUMENT GRATUIT. Vous pouvez sans aucune restriction utiliser notre outil pour le traduire votre contenu.

Can we download this Amharic to Luxembourgish translation service?

Unfortunately, at this moment, you cannot download Amharic to Luxembourgish translation tool. You must use it online!:

How fast can this tool translate from Amharic to Luxembourgish online?

Amharic to Luxembourgish Translation service makes use of Google and Microsoft APIs for translations.

How accurate is this tool’s online Amharic to Luxembourgish translation?

Machine translations let readers understand the general concept of what is being said. This is true if you translate from Amharic to Luxembourgish through Google Translate, for example. Translation software uses algorithms like this since it needs to figure out what words mean both ways around when translated so it can match up with other words equal in both languages. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!

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