Czech to Slovenian Translation
Very accurate Czech to Slovenian translation.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
You may increase sales by appealing to new consumer groups by making your content available in other languages.
Be local, bo vocal
Translating your business from your country's local language to the language of the new market you are entering is the first step to increasing the credibility of your business. If you don't adapt your content, you won't be credible.
Speak their language
Helps your message to reach a wider audience as translated content is more likely to be picked up by international media outlets. People are more likely to share a translated material if the writing is relatable to them.
Break barriers
Your content will be more likely to reach a larger audience by being available in more than one language.
About Czech to Slovenian Translation Tool
Are you feeling a little lost in translation? You can use our translation app to translate from a Czech sentence into Slovenian in a matter of seconds. Type a word in Czech on the left-hand side and click the "Translate" button. Our translation software will automatically translate your word, phrase, or sentence into its Slovenian translation, which you can then edit, save, and share. It's easy!
This app isn’t 100% accurate so keep that in mind but it's the best software out there right now if you're interested in getting a general idea of what's being said. If you're translating a long paragraph, then you could even modify pieces of the words to make it more accurate. This works best if you use simple sentences.
Millions of people around the world speak Czech. For those who do not know the language, learning it can be difficult, as they generally do not know what is being said. This is why our translation app is so important.
Commonly spoken Czech to Slovenian phrases
Využít příležitosti.
Izkoristite priložnost.
Mám hlad.
Lačen sem.
Odcházím z práce v 6.
Z dela grem ob 6.
Je velmi nepříjemný.
Zelo je moteč.
Právě tady.
Točno tukaj.
To je škoda.
Ztratil jsem hodinky.
Izgubil sem uro.
Je nám líto, máme vyprodáno.
Oprosti, razprodani smo.
Bolí mě hlava.
Imam glavobol.
Nemluvím dobře hindsky
Ne govorim dobro hindujščino
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service uses Microsoft or Google AI neural net based services to translate text. When you type a word, phrase or sentence in Czech - the input is sent to an Azure, Amazon, Google or Facebook cloud server and is analysed using AI based on Deep Neural Net systems. Deep Learning on Neural Networks is used to check the text in Czech. They then return what they think is an accurate translation for that text in Slovenian.
Our Slovenian translation software is nothing but the easiest to use and absolutely FREE for download! Feel free to use our software for whatever you want, be it for personal use or for any kind of commercial undertaking!
Unfortunately, you cannot download this Czech to Slovenian translation tool. You must use it online.
The Google and Microsoft powered Czech to Slovenian translation service translates with remarkable speed and ease. It is virtually instantaneous.
Machine translations are useful for getting a general idea of what the sentence is conveying. For example, if you were to translate from Czech to Slovenian, an online translation website known as Google Translate will be comparing all the possible combinations compared to the individual words and phrases that make up both languages and match them up with other words equal in both languages. The software uses algorithms like this since it needs to figure out what words mean both ways around when translated so it can match up with other words equal in both languages. For accurate and contextual translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!