Danish to Sinhala Translation
Get the most reliable Danish to Sinhala translation tool on the internet
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
A wider reach will allow you to recruit more customers by marketing to multiple demographics.

Be local, bo vocal
Your country's language is used in business to gain new customers. A language is used to connect with new customers. Translated language can bring new customers to your business.

Speak their language
Google will respond to your valuable and rich content by increasing your page rank.

Break barriers
If you have any doubts as to your abilities to write clear content that is free of grammar or syntax issues, consider hiring freelancers to provide you with that guidance.
About Danish to Sinhala Translation Tool
Our Danish to Sinhala translation tool allows you to instantly translate your content between two languages. Simply input your Danish word, phrase, or sentence into our Google Translation API-powered interface, your translation will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. From there, you can easily copy and paste your newly translated text into your document, website, or email for faster, more efficient communication.
Google Translate used to only be able to translate small sentences from English to Sinhala. Until recently, Google could not translate anything more than that. It can now translate up to 500 words from Danish to Sinhala and it's pretty inaccurate, especially when it comes to colloquial terms.
Milliarder mennesker i verden taler dansk. For dem, der ikke forstår detne sprog, kan det være besværligt. Dette er grunden til, at en oversettelse app som vores findes: Når mange hjemmesider tilbyder oversættelse fra dansk til singhalesisk for få dollars, hvilke vi ikke mener er nødvendigt, fordi oversættelsen af brugt ord og sætninger bør være noget, som man ikke skal betale for! Dette er den rigtige måde, hvorpå denne online oversætter fungerer.
Commonly spoken Danish to Sinhala phrases
Taler du engelsk?
ඔයා ඉංග්රීසි කථා කරනවා ද?
Undskyld mig / undskyld
සමාවෙන්න / සමාවෙන්න
Jeg har meget travlt. Jeg har ikke tid nu.
මම ගොඩක් කාර්යබහුලයි. මට දැන් වෙලාවක් නෑ.
Hvordan har du det?
ඔබට කෙසේද?
Det er ikke fair.
ඒක සාධාරණ නැහැ.
Tak for din hjælp.
ඔබගේ සහයට ස්තූතියි.
Skynde sig!
ඉක්මන් කරන්න!
Jeg vil gerne gå en tur.
මම ඇවිදින්න යන්න කැමතියි.
Jeg ringer til dig, når jeg går.
මම ගියාම ඔයාට කතා කරන්නම්.
Det er rigtigt.
ඒක හරි.
Frequently Asked Questions
We use Microsoft or Google machine language translation systems. Acquired through the use of deep learning and AI, Microsoft or Google's neural net automatically translates Danish text into Sinhala. The system then gets feedback from readers of the translated text to learn and get better in the future.
Right on! We have no restrictions towards using or spreading our translation tool and you can use it for whatever you like, including personal and commercial use.
Unfortunately, at this moment, you cannot download Danish to Sinhala translation tool on your device. You must use it online.
The Danish to Sinhala translation service relies on Google and Microsoft APIs. The service is near-instant and returns near real time results.
Machine translations are useful in giving readers a general idea of what a sentence says. For instance, if you were to translate from Danish to Sinhala through Google Translate, that service would go through every combination compared to the words and phrases that make up all languages and match them up with words equal in both languages. This way it can figure out what words and phrases mean when translated so it can match up with other words equal in both languages. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services (https://www.peppercontent.io/translation-services/) and get your content translated by expert translators!