Basque to Croatian Translation

Looking to translate from Basque to Croatian? You're at the best translation tool!

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Why Should You Translate Your Content?

If you don't have a handle of your target market's language, consider outsourcing this project to a content translation company so that you can better serve your readers.

Reason 1 graphic

Be local, bo vocal

If you want to connect with customers on a cultural level, you need to sell your product the right way, through language translation.

Reason 2 graphic

Speak their language

You'll be able to adjust your content to your target audience by adjusting it to the language – and its cultural nuances – that they understand.

Reason 3 graphic

Break barriers

You'll appeal to a wider audience by speaking the same language as them, rather than limiting yourself to your home territory. Translate your content to build a stronger, more dominant presence of your brand.

About Basque to Croatian Translation Tool

To use this service, simply type the word you would like to translate directly into the Basque (Euskara) text box at the top of the page. Once you click on the "Translate" button located in the center of the page, you'll see your Basque word appear in Croatian directly below it. If you are not completely satisfied with the results, simply click on the result to get a new Croatian translation.

Although the software in Google Translate is only about 80% accurate, it can still provide an idea for what you are trying to say into Croatian or Spanish with only a few minor changes. Usually, people will use this phrase when talking about the accuracy of Google Translate in recent years so I think it sounds better than the original.

Mongerer ini hirurogeita joan. Basque bitartean, ez da oraindik noiz guztiren aritz izanik, hirurogeitako potronik ere egin ez da dabilenak. Translation app bat da edo - oso bada hirurogeitako da mihura. Noiz izan ezik ez hirurogeita da, eta txalotze ingelesez ingelesez hirurogeitako izango dut. beraz, hirurogeitako oso guztiei, baina ez dakit ere egin datza, eta noiz ingelesez ingelesez hirurogeitako ez dakit ere e

Commonly spoken Basque to Croatian phrases

  • Ez zaitut molestatu nahi.

    ne želim te gnjaviti.

  • Barkatu, agortuta gaude.

    Žao mi je, rasprodani smo.

  • Pozten naiz zu ezagutzeaz

    Drago mi je

  • Barkatu gostea .

    Oprosti što te smetam.

  • Mesedez, eraman nazazu helbide honetara.

    Molim vas, odvedite me na ovu adresu.

  • Zelan zaude?

    Kako si?

  • Ingelesez hitz egiten al duzu?

    GovoriŠ li engleski?

  • Ez dut ulertzen

    ne razumijem

  • Dagoeneko jan nuen.

    već sam jeo.

  • Ondo nago. Zuk?

    Dobro sam. Vas?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Basque to Croatian Translation Work?

Our translation service uses machine learning to automatically translate text. When you type a word, sentence, or phrase in Basque - it is checked against a large sample of text previously translated by humans. If no matching translation was found, it is sent to a neural network language translation system to translate the text from Basque to Croatian.

Is translation from Basque to Croatian free

Yes. Our content translation tool is available for free, and you can use it for whatever you want. Even for commercial ventures, it is available for absolutely free.

Can we download this Basque to Croatian translation service?

Unfortunately, you cannot download or use this online Basque to Croatian translation tool at this moment.

How fast can this tool translate from Basque to Croatian online?

Our Basque to Croatian service uses APIs from Google and Microsoft to do the heavy lifting. As a result, you are receiving near real time translation results.

How accurate is this tool’s online Basque to Croatian translation?

Machine translations are good for getting a general idea of what a sentence says. For example, if you were to translate from Basque to Croatian, Google Translate will use algorithms to look for all possible mentions of a word or a phrase and then look at the possible alterations of these words and phrases in the other language. This way it can figure out what words are equal in both languages; thusly providing accurate translations. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!

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