Armenian to German Translation
The best tool to translate from Armenian to German. Translate faster, with better quality!
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
Marketing through translation means reaching out to new markets, expanding the potential customer base, and making more sales.

Be local, bo vocal
Differences in language, custom, dialect and morals between cultures may make translating your content a bit more difficult and challenging. Cultural terms, languages and customs may be different from those of your home country and they are not always easily translated into your target language, giving meanings that customers might not always appreciate.

Speak their language
When another person reads your content, they will imagine you and your product in a different way, meaning that the content is actually said in a different language.

Break barriers
It's a good idea to translate your content because it can dramatically increase your opportunities to maximize sales in international markets.
About Armenian to German Translation Tool
To learn more about us, you can check out our homepage, follow us on social media, or if you're in the mood to explore the web, who knows what you'll find!
Hopefully, one day a more intelligent translation will be deployed and will be near perfect. As stated above, Google software is currently a work in progress.
Հայերեն քաղաքացիները ավազաններում օգտագործվում են հրապարակում է այն ենթակա առաջնորդությունները
Commonly spoken Armenian to German phrases
Եթե իմ օգնության կարիքն ունեք, խնդրում եմ տեղեկացրեք ինձ:
Wenn Sie meine Hilfe benötigen, lassen Sie es mich wissen.
Ես նրան չեմ սիրում։
Ich mag ihn nicht.
Կարո՞ղ եմ գումար փոխել:
Kann ich Geld wechseln?
Ես լավ եմ իսկ դուք?
Mir geht es gut und dir?
Խնդրում եմ նորից ասեք
Sag es bitte nochmal:
Չեմ հասկանում։
Ich verstehe nicht.
Ես կցանկանայի գնալ զբոսնելու:
Ich möchte spazieren gehen.
Դա շատ վատ է.
Das ist sehr schade.
Ճիշտ է.
Ահա և վերջ:
Das ist es.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service applies deep learning and neural network based services for translating text. Whenever you type Armenian - it sends a text to the server and that server is analyzed using an algorithm called deep learning on Google AI or Microsoft AI. It translates the Armenian language text into German.
Our translation software is absolutely free for personal as well as commercial use.
Unfortunately, you cannot download Armenian to German translation tool on your phone at this moment. However, you can use it online .
Google and Microsoft APIs are key to this service. The translation service is near-instantaneous and seamless.
Machine translations provide an idea to readers of what a message is conveying, such as if you were to translate from German to Armenian. Google Translate — one example — will go through all the possible combinations compared to the words and phrases that make up both languages to match them up with other words equal in both languages. In doing so, it can figure out what phrases and words mean both ways around, making its translations near accurate. For a more accurate and contextually relevant translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert linguists!