Albanian to Norwegian Translation
The best Albanian to Norwegian translation tool on the Internet.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
Creating a translated version of your content can open up new opportunities for making more sales.
Be local, bo vocal
Cultural importance is important; translate your content to connect culturally with your customers on an important cultural level. A language is the bridge that translates between two cultural differences, and it can help bridge the gap between two cultures to increase sales if you tailor your business to suit your target market.
Speak their language
By creating and publishing content in their native language, you are seen as a leader in your industry, instead of a follower.
Break barriers
You will gain more exposure for your brand and products, which in turn will lead to more potential clients for you. Improved exposure will also mean increased revenue for your company.
About Albanian to Norwegian Translation Tool
Our Albanian to Norwegian translation tool was made possible by the Google Translation API. All you have to do is type your translation along with your language pair in our innovative text box on the left-hand side of the page - it's easy!
Although the translating software in the Google Translate app is not 100% accurate it can still offer you an idea about what you are trying to translate without too much hassle. The phrase ‘hopefully one day it will be near perfect!’ is commonly used when people talk about how intelligent Google Translate has become in recent years so I think this sounds better than the original.
Të gjithë njerëzit në botën e mëdha të flasin shqipen. Njerëzit që nuk besojnë se është e lehtë për të ndihmuar për të bërë, duke përdorur këtë gjuhë, gjithçka që mund të përfshihet në bashkëvetësi. Për këtë arsye aplikacioni i tanishëm përkthehet nga amerikanët në shqip shumë të përditshme në një formë të thjeshtë dhe jash
Commonly spoken Albanian to Norwegian phrases
Shihemi me vone.
Ser deg senere.
Kam etje.
Jeg er tørst.
Ju lutemi thoni përsëri
Si det igjen
Unë jam duke pastruar dhomën time.
Jeg rydder rommet mitt.
I kënaqur që u njohëm
Hyggelig å møte deg
si po shkon puna?
Hvordan går det med jobben?
Kini kujdes ngarje.
Vær forsiktig kjøring.
Do të kthehem më vonë.
Jeg kommer tilbake senere.
Unë mendoj se ka shije të mirë.
Jeg synes det smaker godt.
Ai është shumë i famshëm.
Han er veldig kjent.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service uses neural networks and deep machine learning to translate text. Whenever you type a word, sentence or phrase in Albanian - they are sent to either the Microsoft or Google servers. Google or Microsoft then use several deep learning and neural network based machine translation system to translate the Albanian text into a Norwegian version of that text.
Yes! Our content translation tool is ABSOLUTELY FREE. You can use our automated translation tool for whatever you want to use it for, be it for personal or commercial use.
Unfortunately, at the moment, you need to use the Albanian to Norwegian translator online.
Translation of Albanian to Norwegian is made available through the Google and Microsoft APIs. We literally take your request, pass it on to the APIs, and then retrieve the output, rendering it into the requested language.
Machine translations are useful for getting a general feel of what the sentence/messages say, like if, for example, you were to do a translation from Albanian to Norwegian. Google Translate, which is a program that is able to do machine translations, does this by comparing all of the possible combinations of both languages (for example, it will examine the individual words and phrases that make up the languages). The translation software uses this type of algorithms since it needs to figure out what words mean when translated so it can match up with other words equal in both languages. For more specific and accurate translators, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!